After my ITM days...Rambo buat bachelor degree kat UKM...ambik economics..a tough course...( and tough jugak the facts of life that I had to face at that time..!) Masa tu , antara yang rajin balas surat2 Rambo were Zuhairi, Zola, Apek and sometimes Shimot..Well..Rambo still kept u all punya letters tau...In fact Rambo ada a collection of letters, cards and post-cards from friends since 1985 lagi..sentimental value tu..! Lepas grad dari UKM, dapat kerja kat upen...kerja biasa2 tapi itu le kerja yg paling Rambo suka sebab very related dengan my economic studies.. After a year only I manage to secure a job which commensurate with my degree. After 5 years kerja, Rambo buat MBA part-time...a UUM program but classes were conducted in Kuantan. Masa nak start belajar master ni..lagi tough challenges in life that i had to face..Two days after registration, my 23-years old nephew died of lung disease. Four days after that, his dad who is my eldest brother, died of a heart attack. My beloved mother died 2 months after that...and followed by my dear father, a year later. A series of death..only those who've gone thru it will understand the meaning of 'kehilangan'..Losing those you loved is never easy...especially when u knew u'll never had the chance to see them again..Al-fatihah to my nephew Mohd Ezli Mahmood (3/12/2001), my brother Mahmood Fauzi Abd Rahman (7/12/2001), my mother Hajah Nik Khadijah Nik Ahamed (1/2/2002) and my father Hj Abd Rahman Hj Awang (19/1/2003).
" Hendak ku nangis..tiada berairmata.."
Wah... masih lagi yer ko ingat yang aku sering berutus surat dan berkirim kad Hari Raya kan. Hehehe.. Anway thank.
Memang tak dapat dinafikan hanya org yg pernah kehilangan je lebih mengetahui akan rakan yg menerima nasib yg sama. Itu sebabkan ko menelefon aku memberitahu tentang mak ko meninggal dunia kan. Aku rasa batch DPA kita hanya aku je yang tahu. Aku kemudian memberitahu Bilal dan dia seterusnya memberitahu Sharif dan Amy Jar. Dan mcm biasalah budak 2 org (ooopsss dah bapak org pun masa tu)hairan "why me the first know about that". Mereka mula lah nak buat andaian tapi metro mereka tak berjaya. Maklum je wartawan tak terlatih.
Tapi aku masih ingat, ko masa tu dah hampir putus asa kan. Aku terus beri semangat kepada ko kerana aku sudah melalui keadaan seperti itu terlebih dahulu. Aku pernah berkurung lebih kurang 30 minit dalam bilik kerana sebak untuk sembahyang maghrib dan baca yassin pada malam Hari Raya lebih 12 tahun yang lepas yg pertama kali berhari raya sebagai anak yatim piatu.
Thank you for your support masa tu zuhairi...challenges memang tough at that time. Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku survive juga.
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